Rolled Beeswax Sheet Candles
Wicks & Wax - WAX FACTS
- Made from 100% pure Canadian beeswax. These sheets are the same size and pattern as actual foundation sheets used by beekeepers on which honeybees make their honeycomb.
- We now produce sheets in a wide range of colours and process them for easy handling and rolling.
- Our Beeswax sheets roll with ease when warmed and pliable.
- Each sheet, approximately 8 1/2” x 16” and weighing 65g - 70g, when rolled into a candle or candles, will burn for a total of at least 8 hours.
- Beeswax sheets. *** Colours and quantity as required***
- Correctly sized wicking. See “A bit on how to “PICK - a - WICK” ” below.
- Hard, smooth, cutting and rolling surface - (Self healing cutting mat...a firm piece of cardboard will work just as well).
- Metal ruler or a ruler/straightedge with a metal edge.
- Scissors or sharp cutting knife - crafting knife/box cutter/trimming knife.
- Hairdryer - To soften the wax to facilitate rolling… often not a necessity, but especially helpful in cooler weather.
- Soft background music and/or good company.
A bit on how to “PICK - a - WICK”
- Wicks are determined by the diameter of the finished candle. The height of your candle has no affect on wick selection.
- Square Braid wicks are recommended for use in rolled beeswax candles.
A single sheet rolled across the full length (16”) - Use #1/0
A single sheet rolled across the full width (8 1/2”) - Use #2/0
- Colour dyes may affect the burning of your candle. For very dark colours you may wish to go UP a size in wick. (Black, Christmas Red, Marine Blue etc).
- Square Braid wicks are DIRECTIONAL…
- Roll the wick around between your thumbs and fingers looking for the flattest side of the wick.
- Observe the direction of the “V” formed by the braiding on this flat side.
- Insert the wick into the candle with the “V” point facing the “BOTTOM” of your candle.
- Measure, and then cut, wax sheets to desired shape and size, either with scissors or sharp knife.
- Cut wick to length. Wick should be 1/2” longer than the planned candle length.
- Lay wax on a clean, smooth, hard surface. Cardboard works well as it retains the warmth of the wax.
- If necessary, gently warm the sheet with a hairdryer to soften until sufficiently pliable to allow easy rolling. TAKE CARE NOT TO OVERHEAT AND MELT THE WAX.
- Pay careful attention to Note: 4 in the “Pick - a - Wick” section.
- Place wick +/- 1/8” from the edge of the wax with the bottom end 1/4” or so from what will be the bottom of your candle.
- Carefully fold the edge of the sheet over the wick, and then press the wick into the wax to secure it in place.
- Continue to roll the sheet gently but firmly until the candle is complete. Keep the bottom of the candle even during rolling.
- Gently press the edge to secure the candle and prevent it from unrolling.
- Stand the candle on its bottom, and exert slight pressure to flatten.
- Trim top of wick to 1/4”.
Enjoy your new candle!!!
- The natural adhesive qualities of honeycomb beeswax make it easy to apply trim without the need for glue.
- Sequins, beads, jewel trim, etc can be pressed into, or pinned using map pins, as decorations on your candle.
- Cut scraps of wax sheets with scissors, craft knife or cookie cutters to provide appliqué holiday motifs, stripes, dots etc.
- You could even stick geometric or random shapes together to create your own designer candles.